12V 飛行用分電表-商品詳細資料

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12V 飛行用分電表
型  號: PX-2670
簡  介: 12V 飛行用分電表,玩油機適用
會員價: 950
搶購價: 850
購  買:
  詳 細 說 明

1. Pulse current system design can be used with any 12V battery
2. 3 sets of power supplies for
a. 12V engine starters
b. 12V electric fuel pump
c. 1.2V glow plug, adjustable current l
3. Switch selectable fuel direction also included a push-on/off power switch
4. Big and easy to read meter to monitor the current to the glow plug
5. With polarity reverse protection
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